Stop the hustle, start the happy

Let’s redefine success as more than just money and followers.















Don’t worry, this isn’t your toxic positivity “good vibes only” bullsh*t

It’s okay to not be happy all the time. Running your own business is hard sometimes. Confucius may have said that you’ll never have to work a day in your life if you find a job that you love, but I’d like to Bill and Ted him to 2024 and see if he feels the same way. I suspect not.

Happy Work Club is here to help you to figure out what success looks like for you (and how to get there) as well as celebrating small business owners who are challenging the standard narrative.

We’re going to stick two fingers up at the awards that only hand out trophies to people who have worked with the big name clients. We’re going to promote content that includes examples of success which aren’t just about growth or six-figure incomes. And I hope that we’re going to help and inspire each other too.

The Happy Work Club origin story

Are you looking for someone to act as a sounding board?

I get it. It can be lonely when you’re a solo business owner with lots of ideas and challenges swirling around your brain. Friends and family might be trying to help, but sometimes they just don’t understand because they aren’t in this world.

Personally, I find it easiest to process my thoughts when I’m chatting them through with other people, so that’s the first service I’m going to offer through Happy Work Club.